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Rev. cuba. med ; 62(4)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1550900


Introducción: El ciclismo es una actividad física que se practica de forma recreativa y como actividad laboral, en base a esto los beneficios en la salud varían. Sus efectos pueden extenderse en la regulación de la expresión de citocinas proinflamatorias en la obesidad; sin embargo, se deben estudiar detalles en los indicadores clínicos asociados a otras enfermedades crónico-degenerativas. Objetivo: Identificar los cambios en los parámetros clínicos que sirven como indicadores de riesgo metabólico en personas que realizan ciclismo como ejercicio habitual y como actividad laboral. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación de diseño transversal, descriptivo en el Estado de México, México. Se formaron 3 grupos de 16 participantes provenientes de Toluca y municipios aledaños. Se realizaron mediciones de composición corporal y análisis bioquímicos para identificar las diferencias entre los grupos a través de la prueba t- student y el análisis de varianza ANOVA. Resultados: Los análisis estadísticos reportaron diferencias significativas en las concentraciones de lipoproteínas de alta densindad y triglicéridos. Para el grupo de los conductores de bicitaxi fue más favorable, se detalla como el tiempo de la actividad ayuda a mantener los parámetros de composición corporal como el porcentaje del tejido muscular y adiposo. Conclusiones: Los beneficios del ciclismo se presentaron con diferentes grados de eficiencia de acuerdo con la modalidad en la que se practican. Las variables no cambian de forma significativa en ningún grupo, pueden ser dependientes de otras variables como la alimentación(AU)

Introduction: Cycling is a physical activity, which is practiced recreationally and as a work activity. Its effects may extend to the regulation of the expression of proinflammatory cytokines in obesity; however, details should be studied in the clinical indicators associated with other chronic-degenerative diseases. Objective: To identify changes in clinical parameters that serve as indicators of metabolic risk in people who perform cycling as a regular exercise and as a work activity. Methods: A cross-sectional and descriptive design research was carried out in the State of Mexico, Mexico. Three groups of 16 participants were formed from Toluca and surrounding municipalities. Body composition measurements and biochemical analyzes were performed to identify differences between groups through Student's t test and ANOVA analysis of variance. Results: Statistical analyzes reported significant differences in HDL and triglyceride concentrations. For the group of pedicab drivers it was more favorable, it is detailed how the time of the activity helps to maintain body composition parameters such as the percentage of muscle and adipose tissue. Conclusions: The benefits of cycling were presented with different degrees of efficiency according to the modality in which they are practiced. The variables do not change significantly in any group and may be dependent on other variables such as diet(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Exercise , Nutritional Status , Occupational Health , Metabolic Diseases/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. Finlay ; 13(3)sept. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514834


Las evidencias epidemiológicas ponen de manifiesto que los hábitos de vida, particularmente los dietéticos, tienen influencia directa en la calidad y expectativa de vida. La nutrición es uno de los factores claves para desarrollar cualquier actividad física o simplemente, para sentir bienestar. La evaluación nutricional en un paciente tiene un efecto directo en el tratamiento fisioterapéutico por lo que, para optimizar realmente la reparación y el proceso de su recuperación, el fisioterapeuta le brinda la orientación nutricional que requiera. Solo una ingesta adicional de nutrientes naturales no es suficiente, es necesario complementarlo con otras herramientas terapéuticas dentro de la fisioterapia. Las personas que padecen enfermedades crónicas, tienen transformaciones en la práctica alimentaria, creadas por la enfermedad de base por lo que resulta importante variar los hábitos dietéticos para lograr recuperar la salud. Es decisivo el papel del fisioterapeuta, para favorecer el apego al tratamiento nutricional de los pacientes con enfermedades no transmisibles.

Epidemiological evidence shows that life habits, particularly dietary ones, have a direct influence on quality and life expectancy. Nutrition is one of the key factors to develop any physical activity or simply to feel well-being. The nutritional evaluation in a patient has a direct effect on the physiotherapy treatment, therefore, in order to really optimize the repair and the recovery process, the physiotherapist provides the required nutritional guidance. Only an additional intake of natural nutrients is not enough, it is necessary to complement it with other therapeutic tools within physiotherapy. People suffering from chronic diseases have transformations in eating practices, created by the underlying disease, so it is important to vary dietary habits in order to regain health. The role of the physiotherapist is decisive, to promote adherence to nutritional treatment of patients with non-communicable diseases.

Rev. Finlay ; 12(3)sept. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406852


RESUMEN Fundamento: la población estudiantil universitaria es particularmente vulnerable de adquirir conductas alimentarias poco saludables, producto de factores como la inadecuada nutrición y el elevado sedentarismo generado por la elevada carga académica y el poco tiempo libre, cuyo resultado conlleva a potenciales riesgos para la salud. Objetivo: describir y comparar el patrón de conducta alimentaria y estado nutricional en estudiantes de sexto año de la carrera de Odontología impartida por la Universidad Andrés Bello en la sede Concepción luego de dos años de educación en línea por la COVID-19. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. La muestra se conformó por 18 estudiantes universitarios con un promedio de edad de 24,94 ± 1,95 años clasificados como eutróficos (21,92 ± 1,27 km/m2) y con sobrepeso (28,13 ± 1,53 km/m2), presentando ambos grupos hábitos alimentarios suficientes (12,27 ± 1,43 puntos). Se aplicó la Encuesta de Conductas y Hábitos Alimentarios en Educación Superior y se realizó una comparación entre grupos según estado nutricional determinado por el índice de masa corporal. El análisis descriptivo utilizó las medidas de tendencia central y dispersión, media, desviación estándar, mínimo y máximo. La distribución y homocedasticidad de los datos se determinó a partir de la prueba de Shapiro-Wilk y Levene, la comparación entre grupos se realizó con la prueba t de Student para muestras independientes considerando un nivel de significancia alfa <0,05 para todos los análisis. Resultados: solo se observaron diferencias medias significativas entre grupos para la preocupación alimentaria (p= 0,009). Conclusión: la preocupación alimentaria sugiere un interés por el autocuidado. Se requieren otros estudios que expliquen todas las variables moduladoras de la conducta alimentaria con el objetivo de promover espacios universitarios que conlleven la concientización de estilos de vida saludables luego de dos años de educación superior en línea producto de la pandemia de la COVID-19.

ABSTRACT Background: the university student population is particularly vulnerable to acquiring unhealthy eating behaviors, as a result of factors such as inadequate nutrition and the high sedentary lifestyle generated by the high academic load and little free time, the result of which leads to potential health risks. Objective: to describe and compare the pattern of eating behavior and nutritional status in sixth-year students of the dentistry degree taught by the Andrés Bello University at the Concepción campus after two years of online education due to COVID-19. Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out. The sample consisted of 18 university students with an average age of 24.94 ± 1.95 years classified as eutrophic (21.92 ± 1.27 km/m2) and overweight (28.13 ± 1.53 km/m2). m2) both groups presenting sufficient eating habits (12.27 ± 1.43 points). The Survey of Behaviors and Eating Habits in Higher Education was applied and a comparison was made between groups according to nutritional status determined by the body mass index. The descriptive analysis used the measures of central tendency and dispersion, mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum. The distribution and homoscedasticity of the data was determined using the Shapiro-Wilk and Levene test. The comparison between groups was carried out with the Student's t-test for independent samples, considering an alpha level of significance <0.05 for all analyses. . Results: significant mean differences between groups were only observed for food concerns (p= 0.009). Conclusion: food concern suggests an interest in self-care. Other studies are required that explain all the modulating variables of eating behavior with the aim of promoting university spaces that lead to awareness of healthy lifestyles after two years of online higher education as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rev. cuba. reumatol ; 24(1): e257, ene.-abr. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409190


RESUMEN Introducción: El control de las enfermedades reumáticas constituye un reto para los profesionales de la salud. Existen diversos factores que pueden influir en su control, el estado nutricional y la realización de actividades físicas sistemáticamente son algunos de ellos. Objetivo: Evaluar el comportamiento del estado nutricional y la práctica de actividades físicas en pacientes con enfermedades reumáticas durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Métodos: Investigación básica, no experimental, descriptiva y transversal que incluyó como población de estudio una cohorte de 63 pacientes con diagnóstico de enfermedades reumáticas según criterios del Colegio Americano de Reumatología. Se identificaron las características generales de los pacientes, la determinación del estado nutricional y la actividad física, y se utilizó la prueba de correlación de Sperman para identificar la posible relación existente entre las variables de estudio. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue de 53,36 años, con predominio de pacientes femeninas (82,54 %), con artritis reumatoide (53,97 %) y adherentes farmacológicos (96,82 %). Después de terminado el confinamiento existió aumento de pacientes con sobrepeso (41,27 %) y obesidad (9,52 %). Se encontró disminución de la frecuencia de realización de actividades físicas, con predominio de pacientes que realizan actividades físicas menos de tres veces por semana; el 14,28 % refiere que nunca hace ejercicios. Conclusiones: Se identificó que durante el periodo de confinamiento por la COVID-19 existieron variaciones negativas del estado nutricional y de la frecuencia de realización de actividades físicas de los pacientes con ER que pudiera estar relacionado con la actividad clínica de este tipo de enfermedades.

ABSTRACT Introduction: The control of rheumatic diseases constitutes a challenge for health professionals. There are multiple factors that can influence its control, nutritional status and systematic physical activity are some of them. Objective: To evaluate the behavior of the nutritional status and the practice of physical activities in patients with rheumatic diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Basic, non-experimental, descriptive and cross-sectional research that included as a study population a cohort of 63 patients diagnosed with rheumatic diseases according to the criteria of the American College of Rheumatology. The general characteristics of the patients, the rheumatic diseases included in the research, the main digestive manifestations identified, and the Sperman correlation test was used to identify the possible relationship between the study variables. Results: Mean age of 53.36 years, with a predominance of female patients (82.54%), with rheumatoid arthritis (53.97%) and pharmacological adherents (96.82%). After the confinement was over, there was an increase in overweight (41.27%) and obese (9.52%) patients. A decrease in the frequency of physical activities was found with a predominance of patients who perform physical activities less than 3 times a week; 14.28% report that they never exercise. Conclusions: It was identified that during the period of confinement by COVID-19 there were negative variations in the nutritional status and frequency of physical activities of patients with RD that could be related to the clinical activity of this type of disease.

Vive (El Alto) ; 5(13): 154-169, abr. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1410332


El estado nutricional es el resultado de la interacción entre una buena alimentación y los aportes nutritivos que estos contienen, permitiendo compensar las demandas que un organismo necesita para su correcto funcionamiento. El presente artículo determina la influencia del estado nutricional en el rendimiento escolar de los estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa Básica durante el primer quimestre del 2019. Se aplicó la metodología con enfoque cuantitativo, diseño descriptivo de corte transversal y correlacional, donde se obtuvo información mediante la observación, aplicación del instrumento y valoración antropométrica a los escolares. La muestra seleccionada estuvo representada por 166 estudiantes de los cuales se determinó los que se encuentran bajo peso, normo peso, sobrepeso y obesos. La etapa preescolar obtuvo un promedio aceptable que, según la escala de la Ley Orgánica de Educación Intercultural, si alcanzan entre los más relevantes se encontraban los estudiantes con bajo peso con un nivel cognitivo de 7,2 inferior al resto de los estudiantes. En cuanto a la etapa escolar los estudiantes, que según su estado nutricional se encuentran con obesidad fueron aquellos que presentaron un nivel cognitivo inferior de 6,9 que evaluado por la LOEI estaban próximos a alcanzar los aprendizajes requeridos. Con estos resultados se determinó que el estado nutricional no tiene una influencia estadísticamente significativa en el rendimiento escolar de los estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa La Libertad.

The nutritional status is the result of the interaction between a good diet and the nutritional contributions that they contain, allowing to compensate the demands that an organism needs for its correct functioning. This article determines the influence of the nutritional status on the school performance of the students of the Basic Educational Unit during the first half of 2019. The methodology was applied with a quantitative approach, descriptive cross-sectional and correlational design, where information was obtained through the observation, application of the instrument and anthropometric assessment to schoolchildren. The selected sample was represented by 166 students, of which those who were underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese were determined. The pre-school stage obtained an acceptable average that according to the scale of the Organic Law of Intercultural Education, if they reach among the most relevant were the underweight students with a cognitive level of 7.2 lower than the rest of the students. Regarding the school stage, the students who, according to their nutritional status, are obese were those who presented a lower cognitive level of 6.9, which, evaluated by the LOEI, were close to achieving the required learning. With these results it was determined that the nutritional status does not have a statistically significant influence on the school performance of the students of the La Libertad Educational Unit.

O estado nutricional é o resultado da interação entre uma boa alimentação e as contribuições nutricionais que contêm, permitindo compensar as exigências que um organismo necessita para o seu correto funcionamento. Este artigo determina a influência do estado nutricional no desempenho escolar dos estudantes da Unidade Educacional Básica durante o primeiro semestre de 2019. A metodologia foi aplicada com abordagem quantitativa, desenho transversal descritivo e correlacional, onde as informações foram obtidas por meio da observação, aplicação do instrumento e avaliação antropométrica em escolares. A mostra selecionada foi representada por 166 estudantes, dos quais foram determinados os que apresentavam baixo peso, peso normal, sobrepeso e obesidade. A fase pré-escolar obteve uma média aceitável que segundo a escala da Lei Orgânica da Educação Intercultural, se atingem a aprendizagem exigida, dos quais segundo a classificação pelo estado nutricional entre os mais relevantes foram os alunos com baixo peso e nível cognitivo 7,2 inferior ao resto dos estudantes. Em relação ao estágio escolar, os estudantes que, de acordo com seu estado nutricional, são obesos foram os que apresentaram um nível cognitivo inferior de 6,9, que, avaliado pelo LOEI, estava próximo de atingir o aprendizado exigido. Com estes resultados verificou-se que o estado nutricional não tem influência estatisticamente significativa no desempenho escolar dos alunos da Unidade Educacional la Libertad.

Nutritional Status
Rev. cuba. reumatol ; 22(3): e780, tab
Article in Spanish | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1144527


Introducción: La gota es una enfermedad metabólica caracterizada por cuadros inflamatorios monoarticulares fundamentalmente en miembros inferiores, cuyos factores de riesgo están relacionados con la nutrición: La principal complicación ocurre a nivel renal. Objetivo: Identificar el patrón nutricional de los pacientes con gota atendidos en la Consulta de Nutrición del Hospital Andino de Chimborazo entre enero del 2018 y julio del 2019. Métodos: Investigación básica, descriptiva y transversal; el universo fueron 53 pacientes con diagnóstico de gota. La muestra quedó constituida por 47 pacientes que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Se determinó el patrón alimentario teniendo en cuenta el estado nutricional, el perfil lipídico y el nivel de conocimiento sobre nutrición saludable. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue de 58,72 años, con predominio de pacientes blancos (55,32 por ciento) entre 50 y 59 años (44,68 por ciento) y con tiempo de evolución de la enfermedad entre 1 y 5 años (61,70 por ciento). En el 82,98 por ciento de ellos se identificaron alteraciones nutricionales por exceso, mientras que el 51,06 por ciento de ellos tenía un nivel de conocimiento bajo sobre nutrición saludable. Los triglicéridos estuvieron elevados en el 46,81 por ciento de los pacientes, mientras que el 38,30 por ciento presentó aumento del colesterol total. Conclusiones: Entre los pacientes con diagnóstico de gota existió un predominio de patrones nutricionales inadecuados. Los factores principales fueron el bajo nivel de conocimiento sobre nutrición saludable y los trastornos nutricionales por exceso. Los patrones nutricionales inadecuados favorecen la actividad de la xantino oxidasa, que aumenta la producción de ácido úrico y su acumulación sérica y articular(AU)

Introduction: Gout is a metabolic disease characterized by mono-articular inflammatory conditions primarily in the lower limbs; The main complication occurs at the renal level. Objective: The dietary pattern of patients with drops treated at the Andean Hospital of Chimborazo in the period between January 2018 and July 2019. Methods: Basic, descriptive and correlational research, universe to 53 patients with gout diagnosis. The sample consisted of 47 cases that met the inclusion criteria. The eating pattern was determined taking into account nutritional status, lipid profile and level of knowledge about healthy nutrition. Pearson's correlation coefficient was applied to identify relationship between variables. Results: Average age of 58.72 years with a predominance of patients between 50 and 59 years (44.68 percent) and with time of evolution of the disease between 1 and 5 years (61.70 percent). In 82.98 percent of the patients, excess nutritional alterations were identified, while 51.06 percent of them presented a low level of knowledge about healthy nutrition. Triglycerides were elevated in 46.81 percent of the patients, while 38.30 percent had an increase in total cholesterol. Conclusions: There was a predominance of patients with a diagnosis of gout and adequate nutritional patterns. The greatest effects were the low level of knowledge about healthy nutrition and the increased presence of excess nutritional disorders. Inadequate nutritional patterns favor the activity of xanthine oxidase by increasing the production of uric acid and its serum and joint accumulation(AU)

Humans , Nutritional Status , Nutritional Sciences , Diet, Healthy , Gout/diagnosis , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 54(3): 279-284, set. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1130602


El azúcar de mesa, que se obtiene de la caña de azúcar, es el edulcorante más utilizado en la elaboración de los alimentos. El azúcar es importante en la obtención de energía, es necesario para la síntesis de ácidos grasos, de ácidos nucleicos, evita el estrés oxidativo y el desarrollo de anemia. Puede ocasionar caries, diabetes, obesidad, arteriosclerosis y otras patologías. En el presente trabajo se valoró el efecto que tiene la ingesta crónica de agua endulzada con sacarosa al 30% sobre el consumo de alimento balanceado, el perfil lipídico, la concentración de glucosa sérica, y sobre algunos marcadores del estado nutricional como el peso y las proteínas séricas totales, en machos de ratas Wistar. El agua endulzada con sacarosa al 30% se administró a un grupo de 9 ratas Wistar durante 3 meses y se tomó como grupo control a un grupo de 9 ratas que bebieron agua natural. El consumo de alimentos por ambos grupos, así como los marcadores de química sanguínea se analizaron al final del tratamiento. Los niveles de glucosa, lípidos y proteínas séricas totales se midieron mediante espectroscopía. Los resultados mostraron que el consumo de agua endulzada con sacarosa al 30% redujo en más de un 90% el consumo de alimento balanceado; sin embargo, no afectó el perfil lipídico ni el nivel de glucosa en sangre, así como tampoco el nivel de proteínas séricas totales. El consumo de agua endulzada con sacarosa podría provocar desnutrición a largo plazo ya que ocasiona una reducción en la ingesta de alimento rico en nutrientes.

Sugar, obtained from sugarcane, is the most commonly used sweetener in food processing. Sugar is an important food for energy generation and it is necessary for the synthesis of fatty acids and nucleic acids. It prevents oxidative stress and anemia development. However, its consumption can cause dental caries, diabetes, obesity, arteriosclerosis and other pathologies. In the present work, the effect of chronic intake of water sweetened with 30% sucrose on balanced food consumption, lipid profile, serum glucose concentration, as well as some markers of nutritional status such as weight and total serum proteins was assessed in male Wistar rats. The water sweetened with 30% sucrose was administered to a group of 9 Wistar rats for 3 months, having 9 rats as a control group that drank natural water. Food consumption between both groups as well as blood chemistry markers were analyzed at the end of the treatment. Glucose, lipid levels as well as total serum proteins were measured by spectroscopy. The results showed that the consumption of water sweetened with 30% sucrose reduced the consumption of balanced food by more than 90%, however, it did not affect the lipid profile, the level of glucose in the blood or the level of total serum proteins concentration. Consumption of sucrose-sweetened water could lead to long-term malnutrition by reducing the intake of nutrient-rich food.

O açúcar comum, obtido a partir da cana de açúcar, é o adoçante mais utilizado na elaboração dos alimentos. O açúcar é importante para a geração de energia; necessário para a síntese de ácidos graxos e de ácidos nucleicos. Previne o estresse oxidativo e o desenvolvimento de anemia. No entanto, seu consumo pode causar cárie dentária, diabetes, obesidade, arteriosclerose e outras patologias. No presente trabalho, foi avaliado o efeito da ingestão crônica de água adoçada com sacarose a 30% sobre o consumo de alimentos ricos em nutrientes, perfil lipídico, concentração sérica de glicose e alguns marcadores do estado nutricional, como o peso. e as proteínas séricas totais em ratos Wistar machos. A água adoçada com sacarose a 30% foi administrada a um grupo de 9 ratos Wistar por 3 meses, tendo como grupo controle um grupo de 9 ratos que beberam água natural. O consumo de alimentos entre os dois grupos e os marcadores de química sanguínea foram analisados no final do tratamento. Os níveis de glicose, lipídios e proteínas séricas totais foram medidos por espectroscopia. Os resultados mostraram que o consumo de água adoçada com sacarose a 30% reduziu em mais de 90% o consumo de alimentos ricos em nutrientes, no entanto, não afetou o perfil lipídico, o nível de glicose em sangue nem o nível de proteínas séricas totais. O consumo de água adoçada com sacarose poderia levar à desnutrição no longo prazo, visto que produz uma redução na ingestão de alimentos ricos em nutrientes.

Animals , Arteriosclerosis , Spectrum Analysis , Blood , Nucleic Acids , Rats, Wistar , Dietary Sucrose , Saccharum , Fatty Acids , Anemia , Sucrose , Therapeutics , Water , Affect , Dental Caries , Malnutrition , Growth and Development , Diabetes Mellitus , Sugars , Food , Food Handling
Rev. cuba. reumatol ; 22(2): e781, mayo.-ago. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126808


Introducción: La artritis reumatoide es una enfermedad autoinmune, inflamatoria, sistémica y crónica que se caracteriza por la afectación de pequeñas articulaciones y causa distintos grados de discapacidad funcional y disminución de la percepción de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud. Objetivo: Determinar la relación existente entre el estado nutricional y la actividad clínica en pacientes con diagnóstico de artritis reumatoide. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo y correlacional de 96 pacientes con diagnóstico de artritis reumatoide, según los criterios del American College of Rheumatology, quienes fueron atendidos en el Hospital Andino de Chimborazo. Se determinó el estado nutricional mediante el índice de masa corporal y la actividad clínica mediante el sistema Disease Activity Score-28 (DAS 28). Se utilizó la prueba de correlación de Pearson para hallar la relación existente entre el estado nutricional y la actividad clínica. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue de 64,23 años; predominaron los pacientes de 60 años o más (51,04 por ciento) y del sexo femenino (78,12 por ciento). El 67,71 por ciento de los casos presentaban comorbilidades asociadas, específicamente hipertensión arterial (43,07 por ciento), hipotiroidismo (35,38 por ciento) y fibromialgia (32,31 por ciento). El 37,50 por ciento tenía sobrepeso y el 16,67 por ciento, obesidad; el 46,88 por ciento de los pacientes presentó actividad clínica ligera y el 29,17 por ciento moderada. El 14,58 por ciento se encontraba en remisión. Conclusiones: Existe una relación positiva considerable entre el estado nutricional y la actividad clínica de la artritis reumatoide en la población estudiada, conclusión que se basa en el resultado del coeficiente de correlación de Pearson(AU)

Introduction: rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune, inflammatory, systemic and chronic disease that is characterized by the involvement of small joints of the hands and feet generating different degrees of functional disability and decreased perception of health-related quality of life. Objective: to determine the relationship between nutritional status and clinical activity in patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Methods: descriptive and correlational study in 96 patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis according to the criteria of the American College of Rheumatology who were treated at the Andean Hospital of Chimborazo. Nutritional status was determined by body mass index and clinical activity by DAS 28. Pearson's correlation test was used to determine the relationship between nutritional status and clinical activity. Results: average age of 64.23 years, patients between 60 years or older (51.04 percent) and female (78.12 percent) predominated. 67.71 percent of the cases presented comorbidities associated with a predominance of arterial hypertension (43.07 percent), hypothyroidism (35.38 percent) and fibromyalgia (32.31 percent). Overweight was present in 37.50 percent and obesity in 16.67 percent of cases; 46.88 percent of the patients presented mild clinical activity and 29.17 percent moderate, 14.58 percent were in remission. Conclusions: the presence of nutritional alterations due to excess (overweight and obesity) positively influence the clinical activity of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, finding a significant positive correlation between them(AU)

Humans , Arthritis, Rheumatoid , Quality of Life , Rheumatology , Autoimmune Diseases , Nutritional Status , Body Mass Index
Rev. cuba. reumatol ; 22(supl.1): e148, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1280386


Introducción: La osteoartritis es una enfermedad crónica y degenerativa que presenta un pico de incidencia en personas mayores de 60 años. Objetivo: Determinar el estado nutricional de los pacientes adultos mayores con diagnóstico de osteoartritis y su relación con la intensidad del dolor. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y correlacional, de corte transversal en adultos mayores con osteoartritis. El universo estuvo constituido por 168 pacientes de los cuales 156 formaron parte de la muestra del estudio. A cada paciente se le determinará el estado nutricional mediante el índice de masa corporal. Para conocer la intensidad del dolor se empleó la escala visual análoga de dolor. Se utilizó el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson para identificar la relación entre el estado nutricional y la intensidad del dolor. Resultados: Hubo un promedio de edad de 67,72 años, con predominio de pacientes femeninas (60,13 por ciento) y afectación de rodillas (34,80 por ciento). El 34,18 por ciento de los adultos mayores presentó sobrepeso y el 18,35 por ciento obesidad. La mayor parte de los pacientes tenían dolor articular moderado (60,13 por ciento). El dolor grave se presentó con mayor frecuencia en el grupo de pacientes obesos (48,28 por ciento). Conclusiones: Se identificó una correlación positiva considerable entre el estado nutricional y la intensidad del dolor en los adultos mayores con diagnóstico de osteoartritis(AU)

Introduction: Osteoarthritis conceptualized as a chronic and degenerative disease that presents a peak incidence in people older than 60 years. Objective: To determine the nutritional status of older adult patients diagnosed with osteoarthritis and its relationship to pain intensity. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study carried out in older adults with osteoarthritis. The universe consisted of 168 patients, of whom 156 were part of the study sample. Nutritional status will be determined for each patient using the body mass index. To visualize the intensity of pain, the visual analog pain scale used. Pearson's correlation coefficient used to identify the relationship between nutritional status and pain intensity. Result: Average age of 67.72 years with a predominance of female patients (60.13 percent) and knee involvement (34.80 percent). 34.18 percent of older adults were overweight and 18.35 percent were obese, while 43.04 percent had a normal nutritional status. There was a predominance of patients with moderate joint pain (60.13 percent). Conclusions: A considerable positive correlation identified between nutritional status and pain intensity in older adults diagnosed with osteoarthritis(AU)

Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Osteoarthritis , Pain Measurement , Body Mass Index , Nutrition Assessment , Nutritional Status/physiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
An. venez. nutr ; 33(1): 61-66, 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1361684


La salud intestinal se ha convertido en un factor importante en el estado de salud de un individuo. El factor alérgico juega un papel fundamental en el crecimiento, desarrollo y ganancia de peso en las primeras etapas de la vida. La prevalencia de alergias alimentarias en niños es del 4 % al 6 %. La malnutrición es la principal causa de enfermedad a nivel mundial. Los niños menores de 5 años son más vulnerables, 150,8 millones de niños sufren retraso del crecimiento y 50,5 millones padecen emaciación. Se presenta el caso clínico: Niño preescolar masculino de 5 años con 2 meses de edad, diagnosticado con: Hipercalciuria, Desnutrición actual con talla baja según combinación de indicadores, Sensibilidad al gluten no celiaca, Síndrome de Intestino hiperpermeable, síndrome de sobrecrecimiento fúngico (SIFO), intolerancia a azúcares, disbiosis grado IV, anemia ferropénica, enteropatías alimentarias por gluten, cítricos, maní, caseína, huevo y soya, y rinitis alérgica moderada persistente contra ácaros y hongos, cursando con sintomatología amplia y variada. Recibió tratamiento con una alimentación centrada en aporte calórico y de nutrientes acorde a mejorar el estado nutricional, la exclusión de alérgenos alimentarios y de azúcares, tratamiento con antibiótico de amplio espectro, ketoconazol 3 ciclos, inmunoglobulina humanizada y probióticos (Lactobacillus acidophillus). Mostró mejoría del estado nutricional, la salud intestinal y la actividad inmunológica, acompañada de mejoría en la sintomatológica asociada(AU)

Malnutrition is the leading cause of poor health worldwide. Children under the age of 5 are most vulnerable. 150.8 million infants are stunted and 50.5 million are wasted (1). On the other hand, the estimated prevalence of food allergies in children is 4 % to 6 %. However, studies reveal that the allergic factor plays a fundamental role in growth, development and weight gain in the early stages of life. Similarly, in the last decade, intestinal health has become an important factor in the health of an individual, especially at a critical stage of growth and development. Clinical case: 5-year-old male preschool boy with 2 months of age, diagnosed with: hypercalciuria, current malnutrition with short stature combination of indicators (2), Leaky Gut Syndrome, Fungal Overgrowth Syndrome (SIFO), Sugar Intolerance, Grade IV Dysbiosis, Iron Deficiency Anemia, Alimentary Enteropathies due to gluten, citrus, peanuts, casein, egg and soy, and moderate persistent allergic rhinitis against mites and fungi, with wide and varied symptomatology. The treatment is supplemented with a diet focused on a caloric and nutrient intake in accordance with improving the nutritional status, the exclusion of food allergens and sugars. Treatment with a broad-spectrum antibiotic, 3-cycle ketoconazole, humanized immunoglobulin, and probiotics (Lactobacillus acidophillus) was indicated. Conclusions: An improvement was shown in the nutritional status, intestinal health, and immunological activity, accompanied by the improvement of the associated symptoms(AU)

Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Nutritional Status , Feeding Behavior , Food Hypersensitivity/complications , Intestinal Diseases , Allergens , Body Mass Index , Malnutrition , Growth and Development
Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 16(3): 183-190, sep.-dic. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002073


Resumen Objetivo: Determinar los hábitos alimentarios, estilos de vida, así como las características antropométricas y de composición corporal de los trabajadores de la empresa Materiales y Equipos Petroleros que permita establecer las pautas para un plan de mejora. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo con un diseño no experimental transversal con la participación voluntaria de 41 trabajadores en activo a los cuales se les aplicó un cuestionario de datos personales, estilos de vida y un registro alimentario. Además, se les midieron una serie de datos antropométricos y de composición corporal. Resultados: Los hombres eran más sedentarios y bebían más alcohol que las mujeres. Los sujetos con normopeso practicaban más horas de actividad física que los sujetos con sobrepeso y que los obesos. La dieta de los hombres fue hiper calórica (154 %) mientras en mujeres fue isocalórica (108 %) y en ambos grupos se observó una ingesta de colesterol elevada y menor consumo de fibra. El índice de masa corporal se acompañó de un aumento del perímetro cintura, de la cadera, de la masa grasa y del porciento grasa corporal. Conclusiones: La mayor parte de la muestra presentó hábitos de vida y alimentación poco saludables. Se identificó que la ingesta de lípidos y colesterol estaban elevadas mientras que la ingesta de fibra estaba disminuida con respecto a los valores recomendados.

Abstract Objective: Determine alimentary habits and life styles as well as anthropometric and body composition characteristics of the company's Oil Industry Materials and Equipment's workforce, which will enable us to stablish guidelines to create a nutritional improvement plan. Materials and methods: A quantitative, cross-sectional, non-experimental study was conducted with the participation of 41 voluntary active workers of the company Oil Industry Materials and Equipment's, to which a survey was applied in order to collect personal data related to their life styles, and food intake record. Also a series of anthropometric and body composition measures were taken. Results: Men were found to be more sedentary and consumed more alcohol related to women. Individuals with normal weight had more physical activity hours than over weight and obese individuals. Men had a hyper caloric diet (154%) while women were isocaloric (108%) in both genders the cholesterol intake was elevated while dietary fiber ingesting was low. Body mass index was accompanied by an increase in waist and hips perimeters fat mass and body fat percentage escalations. Conclusions: The greater portion of the study's sample presents unhealty life styles and alimentary habits. Lipid and cholesterol intakes are high while dietary fiber consumption is low according to the recommended values.

Resumo Objetivo: Determinar os hábitos alimentares, o estilo de vida, assim como as caraterísticas antropométricas e de composição corporal dos trabalhadores da empresa Materiales y Equipos Petroleros, que nos permitiu estabelecer um plano de melhoria. Materiais e métodos: Foi realizado um estudo quantitativo, não experimental e transversal, com a participação voluntária de 41 trabalhadores ativos, aos quais foi aplicado um questionário que previu dados pessoais, o estilo de vida e um registo alimentar. Também foram medidos um conjunto de dados antropométricos e de composição corporal. Resultados: Os homens eram mais sedentários e bebiam mais álcool do que as mulheres. Os individuos com peso normal practicavan mais horas de atividade física do que os individuos com excesso de peso e obesos. A dieta dos homens foi hipercalórica (154%), enquanto a das mulheres foi isocalórica (108%). Além disso foi observado em ambos os grupos uma ingestao elevada de colesterol e um menor consumo de fibra. O índice de masa corporal foi acompanhado de um aumento do perímetro da cintura, da massa de gordura e da percentagem de gordura corporal. Conclusões: A maior parte da mostra apresentou hábitos de vida e alimentação pouco saudáveis. A ingestao lipídica e de colesterol foi elevada, enquanto que a ingestão de fibra era inferior aos valores recomedados.

Résumé Objectif: Déterminer les habitudes alimentaires, les modes de vie, ainsi que les caractéristiques anthropométrique et de composition corporelle des employés de l'entreprise Materiales y Equipos Petroleros (Matériaux et équipements pétroliers) pour permettre d'établir des lignes directrices d'un plan d'amélioration. Matériaux et méthodes: Une étude quantitative, transversale, non expérimentale a été réalisée avec la participation volontaire de 41 travailleurs qui ont répondu a un questionnaire portant sur leurs données personnelles, leur mode de vie et un registre alimentaire. De plus, les mesures d'une série de données anthropométriques et de composition corporelle ont été effectuées. Résultats: Les hommes se sont révélés plus sédentaires et plus grands consommateurs d'alcool que les femmes. Les sujets de poids normal effectuaient plus d'heures d'activité physique que les sujets en surpoids ou obeses. Le régime alimentaire des hommes était hypercalorique (154%) alors que celui des femmes étaient isoénergétique (108%). Dans les deux groupes, une consommation élevée de cholestérol et insuffisante de fibres a été observée. L'indice de masse corporelle s'accompagnait d'une augmentation du tour de taille, des hanches, de la masse grasse et du pourcentage de graisse corporelle. Conclusions: La majorité des participants a indiquée un mode de vie et une alimentation peu sains. Il a été établi que la consommation de lipides et de cholestérol étaient élevée tandis que la consommation de fibres était en dessous des valeurs recommandées.

Rev. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Quito) ; 42(2): 104-113, dic.2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1005235


Contexto: la OMS menciona que la alteración del estado nutricional será notorio en países en vías de desarrollo, en los cuales se experimentará cambios acelerados en los regímenes alimentarios y el modo de vida de su población, y será una respuesta a "la industrialización, la urbanización, el desarrollo económico y la globalización de los mercados"; en Ecuador la población aumentó el consumo de productos alimenticios de rápida disponibilidad, saturados en grasas y con un gran contenido calórico; y según estadísticas actuales en la última década en Ecuador se ha demostrado un notable cambio nutricional. Y es por eso que, al existir estos nuevos accesos se debe tomar en cuenta a la Hipertrigliceridemia como factor de riesgo a futuro de Enfermedades Crónicas No Transmisibles especialmente cardiovasculares. Objetivo: describir la tasa de prevalencia de Hipertrigliceridemia en relación con el sobrepeso y obesidad en médicos del Hospital San Francisco del IESS en la ciudad de Quito del período 2015 ­ 2016. Sujetos y métodos: Se realizó un estudio Epidemiológico Descriptivo de conjunto para describir la tasa de prevalencia de Hipertrigliceridemia y su relación con el estado nutricional del personal médico, para lo cual se utilizó el I.M.C. y nivel de triglicéridos en sangre. Mediciones principales: estado nutricional, triglicéridos. Resultados: se estudiaron 90 profesionales médicos, de los cuales el 60% IC95% 49,67 ­ 69,51% fueron mujeres con una media de edad de 37,96 ± 5,95 años y el 40% IC95% 30,49 ­ 50,33% fueron hombres de 40,94 ± 7,53 años de edad. Se observó que la prevalencia de Hipertrigliceridemia fue de 34,44% IC95% 25,45 ­ 44,72%, según el sexo fue de 22,22% IC95% 13,20 ­ 34,94% en mujeres y de 52,78% IC95% 37,01 ­ 68,01% en hombres. La prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad fue de 52,2% IC95% 37,76 ­ 57,98 %, por sexo fue de 42,59% IC95% 30,33 ­ 55,84% en mujeres y de 66,67% IC95% 50,33 ­ 79,79% en hombres. El 23,26% IC95% 13,15 ­ 37,74% de los 43 sujetos con sobrepeso u obesidad fueron hipertrigliceridémicos, es decir, representa una tasa de Hipertrigliceridemia de 232,6 x cada 1000 habitantes con sobrepeso. Conclusiones: 5 de cada 10 médicos tuvieron obesidad. 3 de cada 10 médicos presentaron hipertrigliceridemia. Aproximadamente la cuarta parte de los sujetos con sobrepeso y obesidad tienen hipertrigliceridemia. La hipertrigliceridemia se relaciona con el sobrepeso y la obesidad. Los profesionales de la salud tienen una alta prevalencia de hipertrigliceridemia con sobrepesou obesidad, lo que los expone a desarrollar enfermedades de riesgo cardiovascular. (AU)

Context: the World Health Organisation has mentioned that accelerated changes in the food regime and lifestyles of the population will cause noticeable alterations in the nutritional conditions of people in developing countries occurring as a response to the "industrialization, urbanisation, economic development and globalization of markets". In Ecuador, people have increased their consumption of readily available food products which are high in saturated fats and are distinctly calorific; and thus, according to current statistics, in the past ten years a noticeable nutritional shift has taken place. It is therefore imperative to consider Hypertriglyceridemia as a future risk factor for chronic non-communicable diseases, especially cardiovascular ones. Objective: to describe the rate of prevalence of Hypertriglyceridemia in relation to excess weight and obesity in doctors working for IESS (National Health Service) San Francisco Hospital in Quito during the 2015 ­ 2016 period. Subjects and methods: this is an epidemiological descriptive set of studies using BMI and triglyceride counts, aimed at describing the prevalence of Hypertriglyceridemia and its relation to the nutritional conditions of medical personnel. Main measurements: nutritional conditions, triglycerides Results: a total of 90 medical staff took part: 60% IC95% 49.67 ­ 69.51% were female with an average age of 37.96 ± 5.95 years, and 40% IC95% 30.49 ­ 50.33% were male ranging 40.94 ± 7.53 years of age. The prevalence of Hypertriglyceridemia was 34.44% IC95% 25.45 ­ 44.72%, and according to gender: 22.22% IC95% 13.20 ­ 34.94% in women and 52.78% IC95% 37.01 ­ 68.01% in men. The prevalence of excess weight and obesity was 52.2% IC95% 37.76 ­ 57.98 %: in terms of gender 42.59% IC95% 30.33 ­ 55.84% in women and 66.67% IC95% 50.33 ­ 79.79% in men. The results indicated that 23.26% IC95% 13.15 ­ 37.74% of the 43 subjects suffering excess weight or obesity are hypertriglyceridemic: this is equal to a hypertriglyceridemic rate of 232.6 x per every 1000 overweight persons. Conclusion: five of every 10 doctors are obese, and 3 out of every 10 present Hypertriglyceridemia. Approximately a quarter of the persons suffering excess weight and obesity have Hypertriglyceridemia which is a disease that is directly related to excess weight and obesity. Medical professionals have a high prevalence of Hypertriglyceridemia due to being overweight and obese, and are therefore at increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Hypertriglyceridemia , Nutritional Status , Obesity , Dyslipidemias , Lipid Metabolism Disorders , Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-986338


El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar si existen diferencias significativas entre el desarrollo psicomotor y el estado nutricional en niños de 4 a 5 años, pertenecientes a un establecimiento educacional municipal y niños pertenecientes a un establecimiento particular. El diseño es no experimental, transversal y correlacional. El enfoque es de tipo cuantitativo/racionalista. La población está compuesta por 54 niños y niñas de kínder. Para evaluar el desarrollo psicomotor se utilizó el test de Jack Capon, adaptación de Sergio Carrasco (1989). Para conseguir el estado nutricional se obtuvo el peso y la talla de la población. Los resulta-dos indican que los estudiantes del colegio particular, presentaron diferencias significativas en el desarrollo psicomotor, frente a los resultados de los de la escuela municipal. Así también los sujetos con sobrepeso u obesidad, categorizados en malnutrición por exceso presentaron un rendimiento motor inferior en com-paración con los normopeso y bajo peso y en el ámbito de la imagen corporal a mayor peso es menor el reconocimiento de ella.

The aim of this research is to determine whether there are significant differences between psychomotor development and nutritional status in 4 to 5 year-old children that attend a municipal school and those that attend a private one. The design is non-experimental, cross-sectional and correlational and the approach is quantitative/rationalist. The sample is made-up of 54 boys and girls in kindergarten. To evaluate psychomo-tor development, the Jack Capone Test, adapted by Sergio Carrasco (1989), was used. With regards to the nutritional status, the sample group's weight and height were obtained. Results revealed that the children from the private institution showed significant differences in psychomotor development compared to the results of the children from the municipal institution. Furthermore, the overweight or obese individuals, classified as suffering from malnutrition due to excessive amounts of food, showed inferior motor perfor-mance compared to the children with normal or below average weight. With regards to body image, the higher the weight, the lower the child's own body image.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Psychomotor Performance , Child Development , Nutritional Status , Weight by Height , Sex Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 588-591, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-737689


Objective To analyze the level of hemoglobin level and the prevalence of anemia in students aged 7-14 years in China.Methods According to the 2010 Chinese National Surveys on Students' Constitution and Health,71 130 students who were aged 7,9,12 and 14 years and had received hemoglobin test were sampled as the subjects,WHO anemia diagnostic criteria was used to explore the hemoglobin level and the prevalence of anemia.Results The mean concentrations of hemoglobin were (129.25 ± 11.37) g/L,(131.04 ± 11.08) g/L,(135.02 ± 12.12) g/L and (138.47 ± 13.97) g/L and the prevalence of anemia was 9.0%,6.5%,8.6% and 7.7% respectively in 7,9,12 and 14 years old students.The prevalence of anemia was 9.7% in girls,significant higher than that in boys (6.2%),and 8.8% in rural students,significantly higher than that in urban students (7.1%).The hemoglobin levels were (133.19 ± 12.56) g/L,(133.28 ± 12.76) g/L,(134.24 ± 12.73) g/L and (133.79 ± 12.16) g/L and the prevalence of anemia were 8.8%,8.3%,6.7% and 5.9% respectively in thin,normal,overweight and fat students,there were significant differences among four groups.Conclusion The prevalence of anemia in students aged 7-14 years in China was still high,and there was significant differences among different gender,area,age and nutritional status groups.

Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 588-591, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-736221


Objective To analyze the level of hemoglobin level and the prevalence of anemia in students aged 7-14 years in China.Methods According to the 2010 Chinese National Surveys on Students' Constitution and Health,71 130 students who were aged 7,9,12 and 14 years and had received hemoglobin test were sampled as the subjects,WHO anemia diagnostic criteria was used to explore the hemoglobin level and the prevalence of anemia.Results The mean concentrations of hemoglobin were (129.25 ± 11.37) g/L,(131.04 ± 11.08) g/L,(135.02 ± 12.12) g/L and (138.47 ± 13.97) g/L and the prevalence of anemia was 9.0%,6.5%,8.6% and 7.7% respectively in 7,9,12 and 14 years old students.The prevalence of anemia was 9.7% in girls,significant higher than that in boys (6.2%),and 8.8% in rural students,significantly higher than that in urban students (7.1%).The hemoglobin levels were (133.19 ± 12.56) g/L,(133.28 ± 12.76) g/L,(134.24 ± 12.73) g/L and (133.79 ± 12.16) g/L and the prevalence of anemia were 8.8%,8.3%,6.7% and 5.9% respectively in thin,normal,overweight and fat students,there were significant differences among four groups.Conclusion The prevalence of anemia in students aged 7-14 years in China was still high,and there was significant differences among different gender,area,age and nutritional status groups.

Rev. bras. crescimento desenvolv. hum ; 26(2): 234-242, 2016. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-797816


INTRODUCTION: Nutritional conditions and food patterns in preschool children are elements that emphasise the importance of health monitoring in this period of nutritional transition, both to ensure nutritional adequacy and how much to intervene in identified inadequacies. Hence, it may also constitute a strategy for public programs and school health services to make decisions. OBJECTIVE: To analyse the anthropometric and dietary profiles of pre-schoolers of a pole city in Northeastern Brazil. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional evaluative study with 114 children aged 2-5 years, of both genders, in three municipal centres of early childhood education. Anthropometry was used to measure weight and height, and the nutritional condition was assessed using the indexes Height for Age (H/A), Weight for Age (W/A), Weight for Height (W/H) and Body Mass Index for Age (BMI/A) in z-score values with classifications established by the World Health Organization. The food intake record was done by direct weighing of the food menu offered during a week in the three institutions. This procedure allowed for the evaluation of the nutritional composition of menus, from the estimates in percentages, average and standard deviations of total calories, macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and lipids) and micronutrients (calcium, iron, vitamins A and C), to the adjustments and comparisons to the reference values of the Recommended Dietary Allowances, National Research Council and the PNAE recommendations, by age stages, in full-time units, 1-3 years, 700 kcal; 4-5 years, 950 kcal (70% coverage prediction of daily nutritional requirements) and the part-time units, these same ranges of age, respectively, 200 and 270 kcal (20% coverage for forecasting nutritional needs daily), considering adequate consumption to that with a variation of up to 10% above or below 100% of these recommendations. RESULTS: Most of the preschool children had adequate nutritional conditions, especially those of full-time units, with relative frequencies (W/A: 94.5%; W/H: 89.5%, BMI/A: 81.7%). There were registered also overweight percentages higher than the deficits, in the indices W/A (22.2%), P/E (33.3%) to municipal early childhood centre CMEI-A girls; the indices W/A, W/H, BMI/A (23.8% each) in CMEI B-boys. In relation to the adequacy of the food profile, there was only convergence between the offer and the recommendation of 70% coverage of the daily energy needs, for pre-schoolers of 4-5 years from the centre of full-time units (mean: 951.2 ± 172.3 kcal). As for nutrients, inadequacies had a trend in the coverage of the daily needs on the menu offered in part-time units. CONCLUSION: Although most children do not present indicative of nutritional risk, requires attention to food portion that was with inadequacies of nutritional condition, with emphasis on weight surplus, while the readjustments in per capita and in portions of the menu implemented in those locations.

INTRODUÇÃO: O estado nutricional e o padrão alimentar de crianças na fase pré-escolar são elementos que ressaltam a importância da vigilância à saúde, nesse cenário de transição nutricional, tanto para garantir as adequações, quanto para intervir nas inadequações identificadas, podendo, inclusive, se constituir em estratégia para a tomada de decisões dos agentes públicos escola e serviço de saúde. OBJETIVO: Analisar os perfis antropométrico e dietético de pré-escolares em cidade polo do Nordeste brasileiro. MÉTODO: Trata-se de estudo avaliativo transversal, com 114 crianças entre 2 a 5 anos, de ambos os sexos, em três centros municipais de educação infantil. Foi utilizada a antropometria para aferir peso e estatura, sendo o estado nutricional avaliado pelos índices Estatura para a Idade (E/I), Peso para a Idade (P/I), Peso para a Estatura (P/E), Índice de Massa Corporal para a Idade (IMC/I) em valores escore-z, com classificação referida pela Organização Mundial da Saúde. E registro alimentar com a pesagem direta dos alimentos do cardápio oferecido durante uma semana nas três instituições. Este procedimento permitiu avaliar a composição nutricional dos cardápios a partir da estimativa em valores percentuais, médios e desvios-padrão de calorias totais, macronutrientes (proteínas, carboidratos e lipídios), micronutrientes (Cálcio, Ferro, vitaminas A e C), para fazer as adequações e comparações aos valores de referências da Recommended Dietary Allowances, National Research Council e as recomendações do PNAE, segundo estágios etários, nas unidades de tempo integral, de 1-3 anos, 700 kcal; de 4-5 anos, 950 kcal (previsão de cobertura de 70% das necessidades nutricionais diárias); e nas unidades de meio turno, nesses mesmos intervalos de idade, respectivamente, 200 e 270 kcal (previsão de cobertura de 20% das necessidades nutricionais diárias), considerando como consumo adequado aquele com variação de até 10% acima ou abaixo de 100% dessas recomendações. RESULTADOS: Os pré-escolares, em maioria, com estado nutricional adequado, destacando-se aqueles da unidade de turno integral, com frequências relativas (P/I: 94,5%; P/E: 89,5%; IMC/I: 81,7%). Registraram-se, ainda, porcentagens de excesso de peso maiores que os déficits, nos índices P/I (22,2%), P/E (33,3%), para meninas do CMEI-A; nos índices P/I, P/E, IMC/I (23,8% cada), em meninos do CMEI-B. Quanto à adequação do perfil alimentar, somente houve convergência entre a oferta e a recomendação de 70% de cobertura das necessidades energéticas diárias, para os pré-escolares de 4-5 anos do centro de turno integral (média: 951,2±172,3kcal). Quanto aos nutrientes, houve tendência de inadequações na cobertura das necessidades diárias no cardápio ofertado em unidades de meio turno. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar de a maioria das crianças não apresentar indicativo de risco nutricional, requer atenção a parcela que se encontrava com inadequações do estado nutricional, com ênfase aos excedentes ponderais, simultaneamente às readequações nos per capitas e nas porções do cardápio implementado nesses locais.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Dietetics , Health Status , Malnutrition , Nutrition Policy , Nutritional Requirements , Nutritional Status , Pediatric Obesity , School Feeding , Schools, Nursery , Anthropometry , Body Mass Index , Cross-Sectional Studies , Public Health Surveillance , Public Policy , Sanitary Profiles
Mycobiology ; : 14-23, 2015.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-729752


The influences of temperature and nutritional conditions on the mycelium growth of oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus (PO) and Pleurotus cystidiosus (PC) were investigated in laboratory experiment during the summer season of 2014. The results of the experiment indicated that potato dextrose agar (PDA) and yam dextrose agar (YDA) were the most suitable media for the mycelium growth of oyster mushroom PO while four media (PDA, YDA, sweet potato dextrose agar, and malt extract agar medium) were not significantly different in supporting mycelium growth of oyster mushroom PC. The optimal temperature for mycelium growth of both oyster mushroom species was obtained at 28degrees C. Mycelium growth of oyster mushroom PO was improved by carbon sources such as glucose, molasses, and at 1~5% sucrose concentration, mycelium colony diameter of mushroom PO was achieved the highest value. Whereas glucose, dextrose, and sucrose as carbon sources gave the good mycelium growth of oyster mushroom PC, and at 1~3% sucrose concentration, mycelium colony diameter of PC was achieved the maximum value. Ammonium chloride concentrations at 0.03~0.09% and 0.03~0.05% also gave the greatest values in mycelium colony diameter of mushroom PO and PC. Brown rice was found to be the most favourable for mycelium growth of two oyster mushroom species. In addition, sugarcane residue, acasia sawdust and corn cob were selected as favourable lignocellulosic substrate sources for mycelium growth of both oyster mushrooms.

Agar , Agaricales , Ammonium Chloride , Carbon , Dioscorea , Glucose , Ipomoea batatas , Molasses , Mycelium , Pleurotus , Saccharum , Seasons , Solanum tuberosum , Sucrose , Zea mays
Rev. cuba. salud pública ; 39(4): 640-650, sep.-dic. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-695372


Introducción: la obesidad en Chile afecta al 9,9 % de los menores de 6 años y se eleva hasta el 22,4 % en los niños con sobrepeso. Objetivo: determinar el estado nutricional de niños y niñas según su nivel de actividad física, calidad de su alimentación y nivel educativo de sus padres. Métodos: se evaluaron 257 niños(as) de escuelas públicas. Los padres respondieron lo referente al nivel de actividad física, calidad de la alimentación y nivel educativo a través de cuestionarios. Los datos se analizaron mediante estadística univariada y bivariada usando frecuencias absolutas, porcentajes y prueba de ji-Cuadrada. Resultados: de los 257 estudiantes el 50 % tenía exceso de peso. El estado nutricional se relacionó significativamente con la actividad física (p< 0,01), pero no con la calidad alimentaria ni con el nivel educativo de los padres. Esta última variable sí explicaría la calidad alimentaria de los niños(as) (p< 0,01). Conclusiones: los niños(as) que tenían mala actividad física alcanzan el 76 % de obesidad y sobrepeso, a diferencia del 20 % de exceso de peso que tienen los estudiantes que realizan actividad física regular. A pesar de no haber encontrado relación entre el estado nutricional y la calidad alimentaria, hay mayor proporción de obesidad en los niños(as) con alta calidad alimentaria. El alto porcentaje de exceso de peso en los estudiantes podría explicarse más bien por la falta de actividad física que por el consumo de alimentos, a pesar de que la mayoría dice tener buena calidad alimentaria.

Introduction: obesity in Chile affects 9.9 % of children under 6 years of age and increases to 22.4 % in overweight children. Objective: to determine the nutritional condition of boys and girls according to their physical exercising, the quality of their feeding and the schooling of the parents. Methods: two hundred fifty seven children of both sexes from public schools were evaluated. Their parents answered the questionnaires in terms of level of physical exercising, quality of feeding and schooling. Univariate and bivariate statistical analysis were applied by using absolute frequencies, percentages and the Chi-square test to evaluate data. Results: of 257 schoolchildren, 50 % were overweight. The nutritional condition was significantly related with the physical exercising (p< 0.01), but unrelated to food quality and schooling. This last variable would explain the food quality of the children (p< 0.01). Conclusions: the children of both sexes who presented with poor physical exercising reach 76 % in obesity and overweight if compared to 20 % overweight in children practicing regular exercising. Despite the lack of relationship between nutritional condition and food quality, the proportion of obese children in the group having good food quality was high. On the other hand, the high percentage of overweight in the school children may be explained by poor physical exercising rather than food consumption, although the majority stated that they kept good food quality.

Rev. biol. trop ; 60(supl.1): 151-163, Mar. 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: lil-657861


Somatic growth and RNA/DNA rate of Eucinostomus argenteus (Pisces: Gerreidae) juveniles stages at two localities of the Venezuelan Caribbean. In order to evaluate the association among growth indices of marine fishes at early life stages, the somatic growth rate and physiological conditions of Eucinostomus argenteus were estimated at two Venezuelan North-East zones: Mochima Bay and Cariaco Gulf. The age and somatic growth rate were estimated based on daily growth increments in sagitta otoliths. The physiological conditions were evaluated with proteins concentrations and RNA/DNA rate, which were estimated by spectrofluorometric and fluorometric techniques, respectively, on muscle tissue. Juvenile standard length ranged from 9.80 to 39.20mm from 21 to 73 days of age. At all the study localities there were significant and positive correlations between age, otolith diameter and body size, and fitted to a linear regression model. The values of recent growth rate ranged from 0.178 to 0.418mm day-1, backcalculated growth rate oscillated between 0.295-0.393mm day-1, and RNA/DNA rate ranged from 1.65 to 6.97. Differences were not found between study zones, but there were differences between localities. Despite the fact that there was no correlation between juvenile´s somatic growth and RNA/DNA rates, the reported values suggesting a E. argenteus juvenile’s positive growth in their natural habitat at localities studied. Nevertheless, in some localities values that indicate poor nutritional conditions were registered, which could affect other future demographic rates as survivor and fecundity.

Con la finalidad de evaluar la asociación de índices de crecimiento en estadios tempranos de peces marinos, se estimó la tasa de crecimiento somático y las condiciones fisiológicas de Eucinostomus argenteus en dos zonas del nor-oriente venezolano: Bahía de Mochima y Golfo de Cariaco. La edad y el crecimiento fueron estimados basados en análisis de otolitos sagitta. Las condiciones fisiológicas fueron evaluadas por medio de las concentraciones de proteínas y la relación ARN/ADN, empleando técnicas espectofotométricas y fluorométricas sobre tejido muscular. Las relaciones entre tallas con la edad y el diámetro de los otolitos resultaron positivas, significativas y ajustadas a un modelo de regresión lineal. Los valores de la tasa de crecimiento reciente oscilaron entre 0.178 y 0.418mm día-1, la tasa de crecimiento retrocalculado varió entre 0.295 y 0.393mm día-1, y la tasa ARN/ADN osciló entre 1.65 y 6.97. No se registraron diferencias entre las zonas de estudio, sin embargo se reportaron diferencias entre localidades. A pesar de no encontrarse correlación entre la tasa de crecimiento y la relación ARN/ADN, los valores reportados sugieren crecimiento positivo de los individuos silvestres en las localidades evaluadas. No obstante, ciertas localidades mostraron valores que indican pobres condiciones nutricionales, pudiendo afectarse a futuro otras tasas vitales.

DNA , RNA , Otolithic Membrane/anatomy & histology , Fishes/growth & development , Growth , Venezuela , Nutrition Assessment